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Spa Spotlight: Paradise Float Spa - Annapolis, MD

Good morning, Beautiful Souls!

The season of rebirth is upon us (my favorite!!). Can you sense Spring in the air? There's so much obvious and subtle beauty in this cycle of new beginnings -- such a sense of purification in starting fresh. I'm writing this post over a warm, fragrant mug of matcha. It's the early morning hours, and the sun is gently nudging into my kitchen window. The birds are up singing. I've been slowly adjusting my wake-up schedule earlier to accommodate my morning workout and stretch routine (more on that in my '5 Pillars of Wellness' post). It's nice to be up when this little piece of the world is so still.

My soul is content in this moment, and I'm wishing the same for you.

For my birthday, I was gifted with something so incredibly thoughtful - a weekend trip to Annapolis, a rejuvenating float at a spa I've never been to, and the chance to sit down and talk to the owner for the afternoon. These are elements of a perfect weekend, in my eyes. (There was also sushi, so..bonus.) And now, after this experience and conversation, here's another Spa Spotlight for you all!

It soon became apparent that this owner is such an embodiment of her mission and values, that to know the spa is to know the heart of the woman. Come check out Paradise Float Spa with me!

Denise Pearson opened this premier Annapolis float spa in 2016. She had been forging a successful, fast-paced career in pharmaceuticals, but that world wasn't feeding her passion. She found herself feeling burnt out and unfulfilled by her work. Circumstances forced her to reevaluate her direction, and she was brave enough to LEAP through that doorway! She had experienced floating in Colorado, and became committed to bringing that feeling of bliss and relaxation to others. Denise immersed herself in learning about the float community. She went to the West Coast to participate in an intensive spa owner training. Finally, she was ready to bring it back east.

She scoped out locations all around DC and Baltimore, but they just weren't the right fit. It was really important for her to find a central area that offered free parking without too much of a frantic vibe. She is also really involved in the community, so she wanted a place where she could build her brand, but also feel like she was at home among friends.

The Annapolis location became available, and even before the fit-out she saw the potential of all it could be. The whole space had to be gutted before it could be transformed into the beautiful, personal space it evolved into.

My first impression of Denise is that she has such a playful, friendly attitude that helps put people at ease and really makes them feel welcome. As you can see from the photos, she has a dope post-float lounge / music zen-den / comfort palace for guests to chill in. We're talking cushy, comfortable hanging nest chairs and a crafty creativity corner (journaling, play-doh, drawing). Calming pearlescent colors and textures adorn the walls and surfaces. Some of her friends are musicians, so there's also a guitar, a handheld melody harp, and singing bowls if you want to sit and allow yourself to be awash with soothing aural tones. What a total relaxation...paradise (ohh, I get it now).

Since we were coming in from out of town, I showed up a couple minutes late (cringe) - but no worries at all. I was greeted so warmly. She was kind, unhurried, and welcoming. I had my choice of three beautiful Ocean float rooms, crafted in the UK and shipped here specially. I could choose to activate the twinkle lights, which I'm really coming to love. There was a fun community engagement promotion going on to take a photo of your legs in the water, and tag it with #FloatNaked. So fun. I couldn't resist. It inspired to me bring my phone INTO the tank for a couple shots. If you know me personally, this is POTENTIALLY a horrible idea. I break phones like its my side hustle. BUT, for the sake of art, we take some risks!

The twinkling blue starlight was mesmerizing. As I relaxed and allowed my mind to let go, the lights seemed to create these beautiful trails of light like a school of luminescent guppies swimming over my head. Just thinking about it transports me back to such a tranquil experience.

Overall, this was a really great experience, and I would highly recommend paying a visit to Paradise if you ever find yourself in Annapolis. Denise feels strongly about the benefits of floating for athletes, and is even interested in exploring research on the healing effects of floating for those that have experienced concussions. Any given day, she has members of local sports team visiting to float as a form of PT. She has treats and water out front for every passing pup, and recently welcomed a fluffy bundle of joy into her #floatfam:

Fact: Adopting a pupper has the potential to make you a better person.

What are you doing to go all in for your dreams?! I think this is a beautiful example that if you go after what's important to you -- no matter how terrified or uncertain you might be of failing -- the universe will extend to embrace you and guide you toward reaching those big goals!

Thanks for reading, and let the countdown to Spring begin!!


Denise has a blog herself! Check it out!

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